For many gamers, one of the most alluring aspects of games is owning a unique creature that can be customized to fit their playstyle. In an industry where players have been asking for more in-depth customization and personalization options, blockchain technology could revolutionize how these companies operate.
The “eso radiant apex mounts drop rate” is a question that has been asked many times before. The answer to the question is no, you are not the only one who wants a Radiant Apex Celestial Wolf mount.
Dear ESO’s ruling class:
I’m a big admirer of space, as you can see from my screen name. As a result, you can imagine my delight when I learned about the impending Celestial Crown Crates. I’ve been hoarding crowns in preparation for it, knowing that I’ll use every last one on these crates. The heavenly boxes have now been released, and the mounts are very stunning. I’m really looking forward to seeing people riding them all over the map. The way you did the star surface shader is incredible. Chef’s kiss is the steed’s speed, stamina, and inventory armor. Beautiful. The auras are glistening and beautiful. The senche, despite not being my favorite of the three, is a LIVING METEOR! When creating these models, your artists were INSPIRED.
Unfortunately, you may have also observed, owing to my nickname, that horses, cats, and goats are not my favorite animals. To provide some perspective, my IRL name is derived from the Hebrew word for wolf. Wolves have always been a part of my life. I wanted a name that would be intriguing and yet relevant to the things I cared about when I first began streaming (albeit I no longer do). I decided to combine two of the most interesting things I could think of. Wolves and space. You can imagine my delight when I learned that this season’s royal boxes will be space themed, and that there would nearly always be a wolf mount included. Then there was my sadness when I discovered there was no wolf glowing apex. Don’t get me wrong: the Apex mounts included with this crown crate are awesome, and the wolf and his armor are stunning. They don’t, however, glitter. They don’t have an aura about them. They don’t appear out of nowhere!! Every pore and pixel does not exude “SPACE.”
The Psijic Exemplar Wolf was the last time I was this enthusiastic about a wolf in a royal box. My friends and guildmates were sick of hearing me talk about how desperately I wanted it. I seldom use my crowns (lol huh), preferring to save them up for something I know I’ll like. That season, I purchased a large number of crown crates. No luck with a single 15-pack. I waited a week before purchasing another 15-pack. NO SUCCESS! Finally, a guildmate (probably tired of hearing me brag about how great it was) hooked me up and gave me another 15 crates, covering half of the cost so I could buy it. I finally got my wolf on the fourth box in. I dubbed it the “REAL SPACE WOLF.” It glistened, howled, and was stunning.
I taped it so that the good person who assisted me could see my actual response if I received it. This is the first time I’ve made that movie public, so please have a look. 
I’m aware that there’s a possibility I wouldn’t have received it then. And I’m sure that even if you build one, I’ll never have enough gems to win it, or that I’ll just have bad luck. However, I would give everything I had to get it. I haven’t played many games recently because I’ve had a lot going on in my life. This was something I was looking forward to. LOOK AT MY SPACE WOLF! A reason to return, excited to (hopefully) share with all of my guildmates and tire them out once more, LOOK AT MY SPACE WOLF!
So here I am, crying for help. I understand how difficult it will be to come up with one on such short notice. I’m aware that there isn’t a “wolf mount” button you can press to make it happen. But I’m asking you to empty my wallet, take everything, so I can spend the rest of my time playing ESO riding a REAL SPACE WOLF around Tamriel.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who wishes for this, and I hope that others will join in.
Anyway. Thank you for the fantastic space information!
Wolf From Outer Space
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The “eso mounts” is a mount that can be obtained in the game Elder Scrolls Online. The mount is called Radiant Apex Celestial Wolf, and it’s basically a wolf with wings. It’s not for everyone, but it would be cool to have one.
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