In New World, there is a new mechanic introduced called gem damage scaling. This system allows players to increase the amount of damage they do by increasing their gems. The gem damage scaling system has been met with mixed reactions from the playerbase and some have even begun to question if it’s too powerful for its own good.
The new world damage types is a new mechanic that was added in patch 6.0. It allows players to scale their gem’s damage with the type of monster they are fighting.
![New World Gem Damage Scaling]()
For New World, there are a lot of different weapon builds to choose from, and many of them have one feature in common. They suggest that you socket a gem that changes your weapon’s damage scaling. But, precisely, what does it imply? And, more precisely, how is the changed damage scaled? In this brief explanation on how gem damage scaling works in New World, we aim to address these questions.
In the New World, How Does Gem Damage Scaling Work?
To comprehend how a gem affects damage scaling, we must first comprehend the various kinds of damage and gems. Specific mob kinds may be vulnerable to or immune to certain forms of harm. New World features two basic damage kinds, each with nine subtypes and six gems that change the damage scaling. Let’s have a look at what we’ve got.
Types of Damage
Each weapon is equipped with a unique damage type. These kinds of harm are divided into two categories:
- Physical Damage — Non-magical weapons’ base damage.
- Elemental Damage is the starting point for magical weapon damage.
For all non-magical weapons, such as hatchets, rapiers, great axes, and the rest, physical damage will be the default damage type. The physical damage category is divided into three sub-categories:
- War Hammer – Strike
- Hatchet, Great Axe, Sword – Slash
- Rapier, Spear, Musket, and Bow – Thrust
All magical weapons, such as the Life Staff, Fire Staff, and Ice Gauntlets, will have elemental damage as their basic damage type. There are six different kinds of elemental damage:
- Nature
- Arcane
- Void
- Lighting
- Ice
- Fire
Gem Types
There are many various kinds of jewels in the New World, but we’re only interested in six:
- Topaz – INT Lighting Damage
- Amethyst – INT Void Damage
- Sapphire – INT Arcane Damage
- FOCUS – Amber – Nature Damage
- INT — Aquamarine – Ice Damage
- INT – Ruby – Fire Damage
When you insert a gem from the above list into a weapon, it converts a portion of the weapon’s basic damage type to the gem’s kind of elemental damage. After that, the elemental damage will be scaled according to the chosen characteristic. The cut of a gem is also significant; better-quality gems convert a greater proportion of damage.
- 20 percent damage conversion flaw in Flawed Cut
- 30 percent damage conversion on regular cut
- 40 percent damage conversion with Brilliant Cut
- Pristine Cut – damage conversion of 50%
Example of Gem Damage Scaling
Let’s have a look at how these gems function in practice. A hatchet with an empty gem socket is seen below, and this hatchet delivers 113 Slash Damage.
![Hatchet without Gem]()
We’ll place a Cut Amber gem in it, which will convert 30% of the damage to Nature and scale it off our focus attribute.
![Cut Regular Amber]()
As you can see, our weapon’s damage is now divided between 79 Slash Damage and 33 Nature Damage. This makes sense since approximately 30% of the initial 113 Slash Damage is 33. (rounded down).
![Hatchet With Gem]()
The 33 Nature Damage will then be scaled based on our Focus. Let’s respec a healer with all points in Focus and strike several monsters to show this.
![No Attributes Damage]()
With 0 points in Focus, you can see that we dealt 139 Slash and 135 Nature damage to our opponent. Now let’s focus our 84 available points and attack the same opponent once again.
It’s worth noting that adding attribute points has no effect on our hatchet damage on the right side. This is to be anticipated, given that the figure reflects our effective base damage, with just the nature damage component being scaled.
![Focus Attributes Damage]()
As you can see, we still deal 139 Slash damage, but our Nature damage has increased to 187. This demonstrates that the nature harm has been successfully scaled using focus attribute points.
It should go without saying that the more basic damage we can convert with our socketed gem, the better our targeted attribute will perform. Our damage will dramatically rise when we acquire and socket more potent gems.
Also keep in mind that the gem claims to scale off of the basic weapon stat or the FOC, whichever is greater. Because the hatchet’s basic weapon stat is Strength, it will scale off of that amount if our Strength is greater than our Focus.
Much more is spoken about weapon damage in New World, but hopefully this provides a fair overview of gem scaling. We hope you found this information useful, and we’ll make sure to update it if we learn additional specifics or the systems alter in the future. Also, our Healer and Ice Gauntlet builds, which both utilize weapon gem socketing to alter the scaling attribute, are worth a look.
The new world gems are a type of currency that is used in Path of Exile. They are the main way to purchase items, change your character’s appearance, and trade with other players. Gems can be found by killing monsters or trading with other players.
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- new world best weapons
- how to cut gems in new world
- new world builds