In a world where everyone is fighting for their lives, there are those who dedicate themselves to the art of murder. In this Fate/Grand Order blog post, we take an in-depth look at five assassins that have been rated with the highest honorifics by players from around the globe.
“Fate/Grand Order” is a Japanese mobile game that has been around since 2015. The game features a variety of characters to choose from and the ability to create your own character. This blog entry will rank the best 5-star Assassins in Fate/Grand Order (ranked)
In the FGO meta, assassins have a tough time.
Their only function is generally to provide the squad with crit stars. Assassins, on the other hand, lose a lot of their appeal when a talent or a CE can execute the job more successfully.
Assassins also do the least amount of damage of any servant class in the game (instead relying on crits to boost their power).
And don’t even get me started on looping…
If you’re going to do three-turn looping on Casters, it’s simply easier to bring a Berserker than it is to attempt to do Shuten-Doji three-turn with Castoria!
There are a few Assassins who rise above the others and earn a reputation for themselves, despite their disadvantages.
We’ll be looking at some of FGO’s extra special servants for this ranking.
5. Unknown Heroine X
If you are buffed 4,562 times from the moment you were first released till now, odds are you’ll be very strong at the end.
MHX is a Jedi fighter who despises the Saber.
Given her disdain of Sabers, it’s odd that she was designated an Assassin rather than an Archer.
We can’t complain, however, since her kit is so strong!
As previously said, MHX was in a horrible position for a long time. She is currently in a comfortable position as a highly strong Assassin, owing to probably the most buffs in FGO history.
Due to her present lack of damage, fans of MHX and Star Wars should not overlook her. She’s a long-term investment that will pay off well in the future.
Hassan is the fourth (King Hassan)

Assassins are often of a similar archetype.
They’re generally quick-focused, have a lot of stars, and exchange high neutral damage for a lot of crits.
All of it is thrown out the window by King Hassan.
King Hassan is come to hit red cards and miss immediate Death on his NP with a Buster-focused deck.
And he’s already missed three times when it comes to immediate death.
King Hassan is your damage-dealing assassin, with a kit designed specifically to unleash Buster crits with sufficient producing assistance.
3. The Ripper (Jack the Ripper)

Jack is FGO’s first assassin.
And it’s this look that should always make you smile when you see it spooking your rolls.
Jack’s authority has risen steadily over the years, which is understandable.
Nonetheless, she remains one of the greatest at what she does: earning enough crit stars to feed your whole squad.
Jack’s triple Quick deck, double hits on each of her face cards, and an NP that delivers additional damage to female adversaries all contribute to her giving the whole squad with stars in a courageous chain.
Jack is the deadly daughter you didn’t realize you needed until she stabs your naive back with that dagger. What a sweetheart!
2. Light Koyanskaya

This may be a bit early, given that Koyanskaya was just recently launched in Japan at the time of writing. But, based on what we’ve seen so far of her and the twin Koyanskaya system, we can safely assume she’ll remain meta-adjacent for a while.
As FGO matures into a beautiful old wine, it seems that more and more support personnel will need a 50% battery to remain relevant.
Tamamo Vitch, on the other hand, isn’t one to go against the grain, and she’s got her own specific charge!
Koyanskaya also has a massive Buster steroid that will enable your Arjuna Alters and Okita Alters become the looping slaves they’ve always wanted to be.
Koyanskaya can also fire a couple of AOE NPs for great damage.
With Oberon looming in the horizon, it seems that FGO players may finally farm with anyone they want, without worrying about meta constraints.
Why not utilize another of Wada Arco’s fantastic images if you’re going to loop?
From Nero Bride to Meltryllis to Koyanskaya, what’s next?
With their third ascension artworks, Wada Arco seems to be creating something of a signature.
Let’s just say they don’t name it Ass-ass-in for nothing when it comes to Koyanskaya…
1. Kama

Kama is the game’s indisputable best assassin.
She may only be single-target, but she makes up for it in… well, pretty much everything else!
Kama’s third talent has a massive 50 percent NP battery tied to it, making it quite simple to fire off two or even three rounds in a single battle with a little support.
She also has a three-turn Guts that, with enough effort, may be used in concert with her other talents to ensure Kama is not killed by at least one lethal hit.
Let us now discuss Kama’s NP.
It attracts a single victim and causes absurd damage to them (her skills reducing charm resistance).
People, this is the end of your boss.
You’re a raid farmer and a Challenge Quest obliterator.
Kama is an excellent servant and, in my opinion, the finest assassin in the game.
If her gameplay doesn’t persuade you, the ultimate ascension painting could.
The “fgo 5 star tier list” is a ranking of all the Assassins in Fate/Grand Order. The list contains both characters that have been released as well as those that are currently being developed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the best assassin in fate grand order?
A: Assassin is a class in Fate Grand Order. This means there are many different assassins, so its impossible to say one character is better than another without seeing what they can do.
Who is the strongest rider in Fgo?
A: The strongest rider is a character from a popular anime series called Fgo.
What are the chances of getting a 5 star in Fgo?
A: The chances of receiving a 5 star rating in FGO are very rare, but not impossible. Some people have said that it is possible to receive up to 3 or 4 stars during the game.
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